Mainfest Love with our Manifest It! Love Smudge Kit!
This Kit is filled with magical tools to refocus your intention to manifest your higher purpose.
Affirmation for Manifesting Love:
I only attract loving, caring and honest people.
I am ready for love.
The love of my life is looking for me.
White Sage: This deeply cleansing herb banishes negativity and allows positive energy. For centuries, white sage has been used for its spiritual properties including immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection and astral work. It is associated with the element of water and the direction west.
Palo Santo: Known as "holy wood" is used for clearing negative vibes before you invite in more positive energy. Palo Santo is associated with calmness, soothing and purification.
Rose Quartz: The "love stone" or stone of the hearts. Rose Quartz can generate feelings of happiness, sensuality and love. Rose Quartz is associated with unconditional love, family, heart chakra, romance, friendship, peace, beauty, joy and harmony.
Size of Palo Santo, Rose Quartz and Sage Stick may vary in each package. Grown sustainably; Ethically harvested.