Wildcrafted Hawthorn Thorns or Honey Locust Thorns
The Hawthorn and Honey Locust Trees are sacred to many pagan practices and are known for fairies and considered portals to the realm of the fairy.
Please choose your thorn choice from the drop-down menu. We offer:
- Package of 5 Hawthorn Thorns measuring .5 to 2 inches
- Package of 5 Honey Locust Thorns measuring .75 to 2+ inches
- Package of 1 Honey Locust Thorn measuring 3+ inches.
Use your thorns to mark wax, write with magical ink, or fix something for magical purposes.
Please Note: Very sharp - use caution. The Honey Locust Thorns may have spurs.
Uses for your Thorns:
- Charm and Mojo Bags
- Voodoo Doll Magick
- Witches Bottles/Jars
- Faery Contact
- Beauty
- Protection
- Love
- Strength & Endurance
- Longevity