Samhain Ritual - 13 Moons

For Solitary; Easily adapted for Group Ritual by StormWing, ©1996 - 2023

Preparation & Set Up

This Ritual shall be performed during the evening hours, sometime after Sunset. Sweep area, starting in the North and moving deosil, with your magickal broom to cleanse the Circle area and "sweep away" any lingering negative energies. Set up the Quarter candles (North-Green, East-Yellow, South-Red, West-Blue) and/or other items symbolizing the elements at the Four Quarters. Set up your altar as desired, and face it to the North, covering it with the orange-and-black altar cloth. Place all of the items listed below in their proper places upon it. For this ceremony, decorate the altar with photographs, obituaries and other mementos of loved ones who have passed on (Family, Friends and Pets), and whatever else feels right.

Jack-O-Lantern in the Woods, Fall Time

In addition to your usual tools and props, upon the altar should be:

  • Orange and/or Black Altar Cloth
  • Photographs, Obituaries and other Mementos from Loved Ones (Family, Friends and Pets) who have passed on...
  • Three Candles in Holders for the Triple Goddess (1 White, 1 Red, and 1 Black - placed on the Left side of the Altar)
  • Three Candles in Holders for the Triple God (1 Yellow, 1 Green, and 1 Black - placed on the Right side of the Altar)
  • Cauldron with a Black Candle inside
  • An Apple and a Bolline (or other Sharp Knife to cut it with)
  • Food and Drink of your choice for sharing the Feast with the Departed Ones...
  • Incense, Autumnal Blend using any combination of the following, or simply use one alone: Mint, Nutmeg, Sage, Apple, and Heliotrope

When all is set up, take a shower or bath for purification and don your ritual robe or other ritual attire. Be sure to wear your magickal jewelry. Sit quietly and meditate for a little while - to ground and center before beginning the Ritual. When you feel ready to begin, play some quiet peaceful music for the ritual.


Black Pillar Candles Lit in a Fall Setting


The Ritual:

  • Cast the Circle... Sit quietly meditating within the cast Circle for a little while... When you feel ready, begin by turning to the three candles on the left side of the altar, saying:

"I light three candles for the Triple Goddess... ...the Great Lady of Three Aspects.”

  • Light the White Candle, saying:

"Glorious Maiden, Goddess of youth and new beginnings, dawn, and the planted seed."

  • Light the Red Candle, saying:

"Great Mother, Goddess of magick and plenty, love and knowledge."

  • Light the Black Candle, saying:
"Dark Crone, wise Goddess of the night, death and rebirth. I welcome the Goddess in all Her forms."
  • Turn to the three candles on the right side of the altar, saying:

    "I light three candles for the Triple God, Great Lord of many faces."

    • Light the Yellow Candle, saying:

    "Bright Sun King, God of success and plenty."

    • Light the Green Candle, saying:

    "Horned God of the Woodlands, God of fertility and growth."

    • Light the Black Candle, saying:

    "Dark Lord of the Underworld, God of protection and rest... I welcome the God in all His forms."

    • With the Wand in your power hand, tap the Cauldron five times. Raise your arms over the altar and say:

    "Dark Goddess, Lord of Death, I ask Your blessings. Lift the Veil for me so that I may greet my Loved Ones who have passed on, Friends, family and pets who have gone ahead into your realms. Let only those who wish me well enter this Circle.”

    • Touch the plate (or basket) of food with the Wand, saying:

    "This is the night of the Feast of the Dead, the night of the wheel-turning year that brings us to the Thin Veil. The gates between the worlds stand open this night. I honor my Loved Ones whose voices come to me on the whispering wind. The Veil is lifted this night so that all may once more rejoice together in fellowship. All those who wish me well, welcome to my Circle As we eat, may we remember the eternal presence of the Gods, and may we remember that what we call death is but a fleeting existence in the cycle of birth, death and rebirth."

    • Place the plate (or basket) of food on the Pentacle.
    • Light the black candle in the Cauldron, say:

      "I ask all who have gathered here to join me in this feast. This is a time of remembrance of all those gone into the realm of the Dark Mother and the Dark Lord. May I always have good health, prosperity and happiness.”

      • Eat a little of the food and drink some of the fruit juice. Anything left after the ritual must be placed outside or buried.
      • Sit silently now and think of family, friends, and pets who have departed this Earth. Pick up and look at the photographs. Savor this time with them. When you feel that you are finished, say:

        "The Thin Veil has been lifted. My Loved Ones have come to the Feast of the Dead. I thank them for their presences and words of comfort."

        • Pick up the apple and say these words:

        "Beautiful Maiden, you are the dispenser of the seed of life, Life that awaits, hidden in the Sacred Cauldron. Fruitful Mother, your ripeness of power nurtures the seed Bringing it into existence and helping it grow. Dark Mother, your Magick Cauldron is the well of death and rebirth, An experience each of us undergoes again and again. Let there be no fear in me, for I know your gentleness. Here is the secret symbol of life in death and death in life, the hidden, mystical symbol of the Triple Goddess."

        • Cut the apple crosswise to reveal the hidden pentagram in the core. Incline your head toward the altar and say:

        "My deepest thanks to the Triple Ladies, and to the Triple Lords. May I always walk in peace beside you."

        • Eat part of the apple. Place the remainder outside (after you have completed your ritual) as an offering to the birds and animals.
        • Turn back to the Goddess candles and say:

          "The Wheel of the Year has turned, the harvest has come again. I have sown many thought-seeds since last Samhain. Let the good be harvested; Let those that would hinder or harm me be cast aside. The Triple Goddess has covered me with Her gentle hands, guided my steps, heard my desires. For this I give Her honor and love."

          • Turn to the God candles and say:

          "The Wheel of the Year has turned, the harvest has come again. Once more I stand before the Thin Veil, before the gates that divide the worlds. The Triple God has protected me with His sword, guided my steps, heard my desires. For this I give Him honor and love."

          • Now tap the Pentacle gently with your Wand, saying:

          "Give me clear knowledge of the path I am to follow. Hear my desires, O Great Ones! Guide me and protect me. Lead me to greater knowledge and fulfillment."

          • Sit in silence while you ask what you need of the Gods. Also listen for spirit guidance that may come from those in the Summerland.
          • When you feel you are finished, say:

            ""All love and honor to the Great Goddess and the Horned God! Blessed Be!"

            When you have finished, the time has now come to Release the Circle.
            Now is the time for meditation and any spell workings you may need or desire to end your Sabbat celebration... Appropriate Spell work to consider for this turn in the Wheel of the Year is any for protection and neutralizing harm - these are particularly warranted at this time of year, because Samhain is considered to be a good time to boost your confidence and security.

            If no spell work is to be done at this time, then proceed with the Cakes and Ale Ceremony, followed by Releasing the Magick Circle.


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