Herbs for Banishing Negativity - 13 Moons

 The Best Herbs for Banishing Negativity

Negativity can seep into our lives in many forms—whether it’s a toxic relationship, a stressful work environment, or just the emotional burdens we carry. For spiritual seekers, Wiccans, and practitioners of witchcraft and herb magic, herbs have long been used as powerful tools for cleansing and banishing negative energies.

In this guide, we will explore 10 herbs renowned for their ability to dispel negativity. Each herb has its own unique history and methods of use in spells and rituals.

1. Sage


Sage has been used for centuries in various cultures for its cleansing properties. Native Americans have traditionally used it in smudging ceremonies to purify spaces and people.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Smudging: Light a sage bundle and allow the smoke to waft around your space, focusing on areas that feel heavy with negative energy.
  • Incense: Burn dried sage leaves as incense during meditation or rituals.

Other Useful Information

Sage is not only effective for clearing negative energy but also for enhancing intuition and wisdom.

2. Rosemary


Rosemary has been revered since ancient times. It was often placed under pillows to ward off nightmares and was used in Greek and Roman rituals for purification.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Protection Charm: Create a small sachet filled with dried rosemary and carry it with you for protection against negative energies.
  • Cleansing Bath: Add rosemary to your bathwater to cleanse yourself of negative energy.

Other Useful Information

Rosemary is also known for its ability to improve memory and concentration.

3. Lavender


Lavender has a long history of use in healing and protection. Ancient Egyptians used it in their mummification processes, and it has been used in European folk medicine for centuries.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Sleep Sachet: Place dried lavender in a sachet under your pillow to promote restful sleep and banish nightmares.
  • Anointing Oil: Infuse lavender in oil and use it to anoint yourself or ritual tools for protection and cleansing.

Other Useful Information

Lavender is excellent for stress relief and calming the mind.

4. Basil


Basil has been considered sacred in many cultures, including Hinduism, where it’s associated with the goddess Tulsi.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Floor Wash: Add basil to a bucket of water and use it to wash your floors, banishing negativity from your home.
  • Protection Amulet: Carry a few basil leaves in a pouch for personal protection against negativity.

Other Useful Information

Basil is also effective for attracting love and prosperity.

5. Mugwort


Mugwort has been used in various cultures for its protective and prophetic properties. It was often placed in dream pillows to enhance dreams and visions.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Dream Pillow: Place dried mugwort in a pillow to enhance dreams and banish nightmares.
  • Burning Ritual: Burn mugwort as incense to cleanse your space and enhance psychic abilities.

Other Useful Information

Mugwort is also known for its ability to enhance psychic abilities and aid in divination.

6. Black Salt


Black salt is a powerful protective substance used in various magical traditions. It is often associated with banishing and protection spells.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Protective Circle: Sprinkle black salt around your home or sacred space to create a protective barrier.
  • Hex Breaking: Use black salt in spells to break hexes and curses.

Other Useful Information

Black salt can be easily made by mixing sea salt with activated charcoal or ashes from protective herbs.

7. Rue


Rue has been used since ancient times for its protective properties. It was believed to ward off witches and evil spirits.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Warding Off Evil: Hang a sprig of rue above your door to keep negative energies out.
  • Purification Bath: Add rue to your bathwater to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Other Useful Information

Rue is also known for its ability to enhance psychic abilities and protect against the evil eye.

8. Cedar


Cedar has been used in Native American smudging ceremonies and is considered sacred in many cultures for its protective properties.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Smudging: Burn cedar to cleanse your space and invite positive energy.
  • Protection Charm: Create a charm with cedar wood and carry it with you for protection against negativity.

Other Useful Information

Cedar is also excellent for attracting positive energies and blessings.

9. Bay Leaves


Bay leaves have been used in Greek and Roman rituals for protection and purification. They were often used in divination and dream work.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Wish Spell: Write your wish on a bay leaf and burn it to release your intention into the universe.
  • Protection Sachet: Place bay leaves in a sachet and carry it with you for protection.

Other Useful Information

Bay leaves are also effective for enhancing psychic abilities and purifying spaces.

10. Hyssop


Hyssop has been used in religious rituals for purification and protection since biblical times.

How to Use in a Spell

  • Purification Ritual: Burn hyssop as incense to purify your space and banish negativity.
  • Anointing Oil: Infuse hyssop in oil and use it to anoint yourself or ritual tools for protection and cleansing.

Other Useful Information

Hyssop is also known for its ability to promote healing and spiritual growth.


Incorporating these powerful herbs into your spiritual practices can help you banish negativity and invite positive energies into your life. Whether you're new to herb magic or a seasoned practitioner, these herbs offer a variety of ways to enhance your rituals and spells.

Ready to take your practice to the next level? Book a session with one of our expert herbalists today and discover more ways to harness the power of nature in your spiritual journey.


By understanding and utilizing the unique properties of these herbs, you can create a more harmonious and positive environment for yourself and those around you. Happy spellcasting!



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